Trademark / Brand Name |
Class(es) |
GILLI DANDA +cartoon of boy |
30 |
GJF jewellery of india |
9, 14, 35, 36, 42 |
GJF jewellery of india +ova |
16 |
GLORINE +cartoon of tooth |
5 |
GLOWBUG +cartoon of insect |
25 |
GO DADDY +cartoon of face |
9, 25, 35, 36, 38, 42, 45 |
GO JAVAS +cartoon of box |
39 |
GO KIDZ +cartoons of girls |
29 |
GO PANDA +cartoon of panda |
43 |
GO RAMU +cartoon of man |
35 |
GO-RILLA +face of gorilla |
39 |
GO-TO WADA +cartoon of man |
43 |
GOA PIRATES +face of man |
41 |
GOJIR +cartoon of cow & lea |
29 |
GOKAIDO +cartoon of boy |
25 |
GOLDEN CHEROOTS +face of ma |
34 |
GOLDEN EAGLE +face of eagle |
34 |
GOLDIEE +cartoon of boy |
3 |
GOLI academy of vada pav |
41 |
GOOBE +face of owl |
14 |
GOOD 2 GO +cartoon of chef |
43 |
GOODDO +cartoon of boy |
16 |
GOODEE +cartoon of apple |
42 |
GORI RANI +queen of hearts |
30 |
GOYAL +face of man |
29 |
GOYAL a symbol of quality |
30 |
GOYAM the world of diamonds |
14 |
GRAPE APE +cartoon of monke |
16 |
GREEN COP +cartoon of man |
41 |
GREEN FROG +cartoon of frog |
28 |
GREEN TECH mark of quality |
7 |
GREENDIA +cartoon of globe |
21 |
GRIFFIN +head of dragon |
23 |
GRIPETONE +face of child |
5 |
GROHE plaster of paris |
2, 19 |
GTM (hub of institute's) |
41 |
GU FU +cartoon of chef |
43 |
GUANDY +cartoon of bear |
30 |
GUDGUDI +cartoon of girl |
25 |
GULLY BABA +cartoon of man |
9, 41 |
GUNGUN +cartoon of bee |
16, 18 |
GUNGUN +cartoon of bees |
41 |
GUNGUN +cartoon of insect |
9 |
GURU +face of man |
32 |
GVS home of jeep parts |
12 |
H TOYS +cartoon of giraffe |
28 |
H.O.D house of diagnostics |
41, 42 |
HABIB'S +cartoon of man |
43 |
HAKENS +cartoon of dog |
28 |
HALA +face of cow |
29 |
HALKAT +cartoon of man |
41 |
HAMMA MILK +cartoon of cow |
43 |
HANDI PRO +cartoon of man |
37, 45 |
HANDIMAN +cartoon of man |
45 |
HANNY MONTY +cartoon of gir |
21 |
HAPPY B +cartoon of bee |
25 |
HAPPY BAR +cartoon of bird |
35 |
HAPPY CAR +cartoon of car |
3 |
HARI RAM real taste of indi |
29 |
HARI SKYLINE +cartoon of ma |
41, 42 |
HARI VIDYA name of quality |
3 |
HARIYA +cartoon of boy |
30 |
HARLEY +cartoon of boy |
30 |
HARLO +cartoon of elephant |
41 |
HASTINGS +cartoon of man |
7 |
HATTI KAAPI +cartoon of man |
32 |
HAZAM MAZZA +cartoon of man |
30 |
HB HUMBUG +cartoon of insec |
25 |
HBC home of beauty exclusiv |
35 |
HE IS NIZ +cartoon of man |
16 |
HE-CO +cartoon of boy |
29, 30 |
HECTIK +cartoon of tortoise |
25 |
HELLO DOC +rod of asclepius |
44 |
HELLO SCIENCE world of spac |
16 |
HELP HUMAN +cartoon of men |
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 |
HEM INCENSE-essence of indi |
3 |
HEM fragrance of india +ova |
3 |
HERITAGE of kashmir +leaf |
25 |
HERITAGE choice of million |
20 |
HERITAGE the pride of india |
29 |
HH a mark of quality |
24 |
HI DOCTOR +cartoon of man |
42 |
HI RABBY +cartoon of rabbit |
25 |
HI-JINKS +cartoon of boy |
41 |
HIGH SPIRIT +cartoon of bee |
25 |
HILL COBRA range of plywood |
19 |
HINA plaster of paris +arcs |
19 |
HIPPO +face of hippo |
18 |
HOF house of fashion +squar |
35 |
HOGO stix +cartoon of boy |
30 |
HOLI COW! +cartoon of cow |
35 |
HOLLY N MART +cartoon of ma |
35 |
HOLLYLONG +cartoon of face |
9 |
HOME STAR +cartoon of man |
37 |
HOMEBIRD +cartoon of bird |
24 |
HOMESTOP your kind of home |
13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42 |
HONDA +cartoon of man |
16 |
HONEY BABY +cartoon of chil |
5 |
HONEY BALL +cartoon of bee |
35 |
HONEY COMBS +cartoon of bee |
41 |